We are a Gainesville personal injury lawyer with over 40 years experience representing clients in North Central Florida. We can help you with medical bills, car repairs, lost wages, pain and suffering, futures expenses and emotional distress.
In the United States, individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents can be held financially liable for the consequences of an accident, including property damage, injuries to passengers and drivers, and fatalities. Because these costs can easily exceed the annual income of the average driver, most US states require drivers to carry liability insurance to cover these potential costs. However, in the event of severe injuries or fatalities, victims may seek damages in civil court, often for well in excess of the value of insurance.
FACT: The most dangerous thing you do every day is drive your car. Florida is one of the many states do not require motor vehicle owners to purchase insurance that covers injury to others (bodily injury coverage) in case they cause an accident. So, many people with significant injuries and significant damage claims recover much less than their case is worth because the negligent driver lacks adequate insurance coverage and the injured driver has failed to purchased adequate Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Coverage (UM insurance) to protect themselves and their families. As a result, lawyers often see accident cases wherein their client has been badly injured but there is either minimal insurance or no insurance coverage at all. Don’t let this happen to you or your family. N. Albert Bacharach, Jr. PA strongly encourages you to purchase as much Uninsured/Under-insured (UM) insurance coverage as you can afford.